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Woods Hole研究中心

時間:2013-07-12 16:36:08   作者:本站編輯   來源:能源世界   閱讀:3092  

Woods Hole研究中心



The integration of passive-solar and energy-conservation strategies, optimal performance, and on-site renewable power generation make the building 83% more efficient than a minimally ASHRAE-compliant building.

A grid-connected, net-metered photovoltaic array; a closed-loop, ground-source heat-pump system; and a solar-thermal hot water system supply renewable electricity, heating and cooling, and water. Hydronic distribution provides silent radiant heating and cooling, and valance convectors offer individual zone control and much greater efficiency than conventional fan coil units. A planned on-site wind turbine will yield a net surplus of energy for the building.

Careful detailing of the building envelope stands foremost among the strategies used to achieve the project’s ambitious energy goals. Icynene spray foam insulates all exterior walls and roof assemblies, providing an extremely effective air barrier and optimized R-values. Other features that further enhance its performance include:

Offset-stud framing in the exterior walls to eliminate thermal bridging;
Double- and triple-glazed low-e glazing;
Energy recovery ventilators using enthalpy wheels to recapture exhaust heat and moisture and to precondition incoming fresh air;
An extensive energy-monitoring system that records electrical production and usage, as well as overall system performance;
High-efficiency lighting controls and occupancy monitors;
High-efficiency appliances and office machines.

A simple interior materials palette – most of which can be defined as either "silica" (glass, stone) or "cellulose" (wood) – supports the health of the building’s occupants and local and distant ecosystems while reinforcing the project’s design principles.

標簽:綠色  節(jié)能  woods  hole  





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