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  網站名稱綠色建筑資訊網--- 綠 建 之 窗

  網站地址: http://www.gbwindows.org/
   愿  景:成為領先的綠色建筑全生命周期的服務商

  使  命:協(xié)助中國綠色建筑落地實施,為推動綠色建筑事業(yè)發(fā)展做出杰出的貢獻!

  價值觀:專注  專業(yè)  分享  共贏 



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   Gbwindows(www.mtbitcoineducation.com) is a comprehensive service platform for the whole life cycle of green building. The company is engaged in the green planning and system integration, green building personnel services, green building consulting projects, contract energy management in green building, green building series software (evaluation of green building design software and wind, light, heat, sound physical simulation), techniques and application of green building materials, green building media and market promotion service system for real estate enterprises, design units, construction units, building materials equipment manufacturers and the vast majority of green building lovers to provide green construction full-service professional service platform. Company to promote green building civilization, training green building professionals, the popularization of green building technology for the mission, to fully assist the implementation of China's green building.

蘇玉斌      GBwindows創(chuàng)始人,32533240@qq.com





通信地址 北京市豐臺區(qū)汽車博物館東路1號諾德中心2期6號樓1201   郵編:100070 網站合作QQ:1658253059  電話: 13693161205 18501126985

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